Happen as a result of sagging skin to lose a lot of weight in a short time. The gradual weight loss or slow does not lead to a final sagging skin on the contrary, gives the body a chance to deal naturally with the changes that occur as a result of weight loss.
Eat a healthy balanced diet contains vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the health of the skin, and, above all, must be the process of losing weight gradually.
This Program a Kyle Leon Scam
How skin?
The beginning is not recommended doctor’s weight loss quickly and why you also you lose muscle density as well as fat. And maintaining muscle mass is necessary for the continuation of the process of metabolism and maintains the strength of the flesh and bones, ligaments textile.

Impairment of rapid weight: When you lose weight quickly, especially if accompanied by a diet or weight-loss surgery, the skin hanging unacceptably and it becomes difficult to get rid of this problem. And the problem of sagging skin occurs automatically after the loss of a large volume of weight (30 kg) in a short period of time.

Age and genetics: There are many factors that help sagging skin as well as the first reason referred to a rapid impairment of weight. Age is, genes and skin elasticity all of these factors contribute to sagging skin.
Pregnancy: You may treat abdomen after pregnancy.

Exposure to the sun: exposure past, present and future to the sun have its adverse effects on the skin.
Nutrition and drinking water: lack of access to healthy balanced diet and drink adequate amounts of water scarcity vitamins (especially vitamin C and e) affect the health and appearance of the skin.

Smoking: Smoking accelerates aging of the skin.
Weight loss and skin
Determine the state of the skin's elasticity before and during the process of losing weight ratio that will appear flabby skin after weight loss.

The greater the weight, the size of the opportunity sagging skin is stronger. Also, the length of survival of the excess fat in the body contributes to sagging skin after weight loss. And the shorter the duration of the fat in the body the opportunity to sag diminished proportionally.

 As well as difficult for the elderly patient with obesity prevent sagging skin and restore natural appearance after weight loss (and the reason for this is that the skin becomes less elastic with age).
The ideal rate of weight loss is one kg per week.

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    February 2014

